Thursday 8 March 2012

On y va! Mes pensées...

Dear Readers,

It is now 7:30 am (Paris time +1) and I am currently in the airport in Paris waiting for my connecting flight to Cotonou at 1:50 pm. I have a bit of time so I decided to write a post about my thoughts and feelings. Well firstly, I am exhausted. I had a red-eye flight from Dubai to Paris and luckily I managed to sleep nearly the whole time, but the seats barely reclined so it was like sleeping at a 90 degree angle. Secondly, I am sad. I am sad because I miss my family, my snicky snocky, and my Rani and I am sad that it may be a long time before I get to see them and hold them again. Thirdly, I am scared. I am not afraid to admit that I am scared because I can honestly say that this is and is going to be the hardest things I've ever had to do in my life. I am scared of the unknown, of being lost in translation, and of having no idea what to expect. However, not all my feelings are negative. I am so excited. I am excited to see a completely new country, to experience a completely different way of life, to meet people who are so different to me and who are accustomed to things that are completely alien to me. Most of all, I am excited to meet the children. I am so excited to get to know them, to offer them whatever I can, to care for them, and to learn from them. I am sure that meeting them and getting to know them will be an experience that will benefit me as much as I plan on it benefitting them. Lastly, I am hopeful. I am hopeful that my experience is one that will change the way I view life and I am hopeful that I will feel safe. It's silly for me to hope that I will feel comfortable, because this trip is something far beyond my comfort zone, but I am hopeful that what I end up doing is something that is TRULY helpful to the children in the orphanage, and I guess you could say that that on its own is one of the greatest comforts of all. 


  1. Love your entries, please keep writing often!

  2. Im loving your blog baby are an amazing person , GOD is with you.
    Rani <3
