Monday 16 January 2012


Hey Everyone!

The Humanity Exchange Programme encourages fundraising to help fund the volunteers trips and towards bringing staple supplies for the orphaned children.

I will be an orphanage assistant during my time in Benin and therefore I will be with children of all ages who have been abandoned or whose families are simply too poor to care for them. A lot of these children have lived on the streets and have been abused or prostituted and others are handicapped or living with HIV/AIDS. 

I will help care for, teach, and run extra-curricular activities for the children and I would love to be able to bring with me certain staple goods such as clothing (shirts, long skirts, pants, and sneakers) and school supplies to provide to the orphaned children.

The children's ages range from birth to 20 years, so my focus will be to bring a variety of different sized items that are not readily available, such as sneakers. In order to get the best value for the money donated I will be contacting Chinese and/or Taiwanese manufacturers for both the clothing and the school supplies so that I can buy in bulk. 

I am hoping that you will be able to support me in this ambitious endeavor. Any contribution that you are able to make will be sincerely appreciated not only by myself, but also by those who I will serve overseas.

Making a donation is easy! Just send me an email to with the amount that you would like to donate and you will receive an email back with a money request using PayPal so that you can pay with any credit card securely even if you don't have a PayPal account. 

Should you have any questions about this program, please contact me by email at or by phone at +917 50 7855010 . You can also contact The Humanity Exchange directly by phone (+1 415 800 3998) or by email (, and view their website at
Your support is greatly appreciated. I look forward to sharing this extraordinary experience through my blog and upon my return.

Thank you all so much! 


  1. We are very happy that you are doing this. You will touch many lives for the better. We'll send in a donation and also we can share your blog on our company website in case any of our clients want to donate.

  2. We are very happy that you are doing this. You will touch many lives for the better. We'll send in a donation and also we can share your blog on our company website in case any of our clients want to donate.

  3. That would be fantastic! Thank you so much for your support and generosity.
